Research & ideas
Aceniad geirfaol a goslef frawddegol
Edrychodd fy ymchwil PhD ar ynganiad ymhlith dysgwyr y Gymraeg. Defnyddiodd y gwaith ddulliau acwstig er mwyn archwilio sut y mae dysgwyr o gefndiroedd ieithyddol gwahanaol yn cynhyrchu aceniad gerifaol ac yn defnyddio patrymau goslefol ar hyd ymadroddion cyflawn.
Beyond Little England Beyond Wales: Questioning the Existence of the Landsker Line
The Landsker Line describes a non-physical linguistic boundary between the English-speaking south of Pembrokeshire and the country’s Welsh-speaking north.
But how relevant is the idea of this linguistic division in today’s Pembs?
the Operationalization Headache
Published in the inaugural issue of Cardiff University’s Short Papers in Language and Linguistics (SPiLL). Here I discuss the problems and frustrations of operationalizing speaker types in linguistic research. What is a ‘native speaker’ and how do linguists go about defining this term in the context of their research?
How do you like your vowels?
Soft vowels? Hard vowels? What about a slender consonant? The descriptions of sounds we receive in language classes often don’t really mean much. Here I argue for a more phonetically-informed approach to the teaching of pronunciation in second language classes and give some examples of the kind of instructions and resources I use with my own learners.
The Utility of Turning Point Analyses
How can we analyse phonologically ambiguous intonation data of lesser-studied minority languages which exist in situations of historical and contemporary language contact?
This short paper, co-authored with Connor McCabe, presents two turning points analyses of Muster Irish and Southern Welsh. We provide a comparative summary which underscores the value of turning point analyses as an intermediary step in addressing ambiguous intonation data, while avoiding premature conclusions about phonological representation.
Download the paper here